Friday, May 11, 2012

Doug Repetti - The Fools We Suffer

I think what I love the most about this song is muti-focal. I love the theatricality behind it. It's got a very musical theater vibe to it and whether or not that's what Doug was going for, he succeeded. It's not big, it's not brash... it's a simple honest song that straight forwardly tells you exactly where things stand. It has a very Tim Rice/Elton John flavor to it and I think that gives it power. I love the message because more often than not, we do have Fools to suffer and sometimes it's not easy.

The video is a bit experimental and I can see how sometimes you just end up fading into everything that is going on around you because you have no other choice and it's the best thing to do. That's what I got out of the video. As Doug progresses through the song, he starts to disappear more and more. I think we do that more often than we think about it. You have a situation you don't want to deal with, you hide from it. You have a phone call you don't want to answer, you screen. It's a natural self defense mechanism that we all learn and we end up using more often than we think about. Or maybe Doug was just playing with a new version of Premiere and wanted to test out his Chroma Key.

Regardless, listen to the track and let me know what you think and if you dig it, thumbs up the video and subscribe because he does amazing covers and stuff and I dig him. Plus he's an independent artist and you know I love to support some indie folk. Oh and he's a YouTube artist. You know that I love YouTube artists because they don't need or want huge record labels pursuing them (sometimes anyway.)


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